I wonder as a Christian, are you "Soul Conscious"? Do you look for opportunities to talk to people about the Lord, or look for opportunities to share a "thought" that might challenge someone's thinking...or do you just go about the day oblivious to those around you...not caring if they may be going to hell when they die.
I would like to suggest that the reason that most are NOT "Soul Conscious" is because most people are so wrapped up in themselves and their own life that they aren't even aware of those around them. The devil has done such a great job at keeping us "preoccupied" with ourselves that we don't even think about "others."
Yet, it was said of Jesus that when He saw the multitudes "He was moved with compassion." We are NOT moved with compassion because we don't see the "multitudes" because we don't see past ourselves because we are too busy with our own selves to worry about anybody else.
May we take time out of our busy schedules and ask the Lord to help us to "see" the world through His eyes...that we might see a "lost and dying" world in need of a Saviour. May we take time out of our busy schedules and "consider" the plight of "others", that without Jesus Christ as their Saviour they WILL die in their sins and spend eternity in hell. May we be "on purpose" Soul Conscious."
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